Benjamin Marschke


Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles

In 2025 I will be Vertretungsprofessor (Visiting Professor) at the University of Trier (Germany), and I will return to HSU for the Spring 2026 semester.  

My research field is early modern Europe, and my first book was on the Prussian army chaplaincy.  I have since published many articles and co-edited several books on various aspects of early modern European history. 

My current book project is about political ceremony, gender/sexuality, luxury/ money/ work ethic, and intellectual/academic culture in the early eighteenth century, focusing on King Frederick William I of Prussia (1713-1740).  

My next project is about the reading, reception, and retelling of news by a village pastor during the early Enlightenment. 


Covers of nine books authored or contributed to by Ben Marschke 


Courses Taught: 
HIST 105: Western Civilization since 1650
HIST 210: Historical Methods
HIST 300: The Era of World War I in Europe.
HIST 301: The Era of World War II in Europe.
HIST 342: Musketeers, Witches, and Kings (Early Modern Europe).
HIST 343: The French Revolution and Napoleon.
HIST 348: Modern Germany.
HIST 490: Senior Seminar.
Benjamin Marschke
(707) 826-3170
FH 155
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