
History Club of Cal Poly Humboldt

The History Club is a student-run organization composed of students who are history majors/minors or students who are just interested in history. Because it is a student-run club, what the club does varies by semester and by the activity level of the students in it. The club meets bi-weekly on Fridays to discuss club business and plan activities.  

Most club members find that it provides them with a small community of fellow students who have similar interests, similar classes, and extensive knowledge to share on professors and course content. Students often find it an excellent way to network and make new friends. Among the activities that the club has engaged in the past are the following:

  • Trips to AHA Conferences — The AHA (or American Historical Association) is among the most prominent historical associations in the country. The annual conference provides students with an opportunity to see history in action and network with other historians and students of history. These are significant events and are generally expensive. They require a lot of planning and commitment on the part of the students though they can be very rewarding experiences. In the past, students have traveled with Dr. Anne Paulet to the AHA Conference and have been able to learn from nationally renowned historians and explore cities such as New Orleans, New York, and Chicago. Future meeting places include Philadelphia (2023), San Francisco (2024), and New York (2025).
  • Local Trips — Students have engaged in a variety of local trips, often with historical backgrounds. In the past, students have visited Fort Humboldt, the Humboldt Historical Society, and the Clarke Museum. Trips to Special Collections, Historic Chinatown in Eureka, and Fort Ross, among other places, have also been discussed.
  • Workshops — The History Club works extensively with the Writing Workshop, ACAC, the Library, and other groups on campus to provide workshops on writing research papers, researching historical topics, resumes and interviews, and other ideas that students have for the club.

The club’s future and future plans are entirely up to the students in it, so come join and help determine where to go next.

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2022-2023 Officers:
President — Mollie Donaldson –
Vice President — Jake Hargis –
Treasurer — Carlos Fernandez Pedraza
Secretary — Tori Vargas