Internship Opportunities for History Majors
Why pursue an internship?
- Internships can show you some of the different ways in which your history training can be applied
- Internships open the door to future employment: they look great on your resume, allow you to network, and provide you with the skills necessary to be competitive in seeking employment
- Internship credit shows up on your transcript and counts for the History Major: ALL students must complete 4 units of Practicum to graduate. Internships are an excellent way to earn these units!
- Internships are FUN!!
City of Eureka:
The city of Eureka is seeking History interns to work on its historical website this Fall. Interns will receive training in analyzing historical photographs and inputting historical information into a website. Students should be able to commit 3 hours per week to the project.
Humboldt Room/Library Special Collections:
The Humboldt Special Collections department works regularly with History majors on a variety of internship projects. This Fall and next Spring, $500 fellowships are available to support the work of History interns. In addition, we are awaiting word of a potential grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities which will support an additional group of History majors in work related to the history of the local community.
Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park:
Internship possibilities exist for students interested in working in the State Park Visitor Center in Orick. Work includes answering visitor questions about the Park’s history and natural environment. Training is provided. Potential for paid summer internships.
Fort Humboldt State Historic Park:
Internship possibilities exist for students at Fort Humboldt in Eureka. Interns will be trained to give historical tours of the site, and to answer visitor’s questions about local history.
Clarke Museum:
Internship possibilities exist for students at Eureka’s Clarke Historical Museum on an as-needed basis.
For all questions related to History internships, and to arrange an internship, please contact Dr. Suzanne Pasztor at